The Black-bellied Whistling-duck is my all-time favorite duck! I discovered them about three years ago when a pair first visited our humble pond enroute to warmer digs. We already put out duck food each morning, so after spying them, we put out a little extra. Every winter since, we have been rewarded with a few days of their lovely company. This year, we were surprised by an entire flock of these social, funny, beautiful birds. This is an amazing treat!
However, I am conflicted about putting out food for the birds:
On one hand, I wonder if am I misguided in offering an artifical habitat on which the birds cannot perpetually rely? I have no idea how much longer we'll be living here, and I doubt that the next owners will have any interest in helping to support wildlife. I even worry that my butterfly garden is irresponsible.
On the other hand, I figure that I am filling a void created by incessant habitat destruction. Some animal populations are showing promise with increasing numbers. Scientists are pointing to backyard garden enthusiasts as helping to buoy threatened species.
I have no answer. For sure, my neighbors never pass on an opportunity to grumble to me about encouraging wildlife. I want to be a good neighbor, but I love seeing wildlife in my own backyard more.
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