Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Early voting in Florida started last Monday. The idea was implemented several years ago to accommodate voters who wanted more flexibility than what one day offers, who also didn't want to go the absentee route.

It was reported on last night's 11 o'clock news that the governor mandated that starting today, all early voting locations would open at 7am, and remain open until 7pm. Steven and I agreed that Orlando is populated by morons, and that No One watches the news. We decided to take advantage of the mandate by getting to our polling place early, zipping in, zipping out, no fuss, no muss.

When we arrived, we discovered that at least 200 of our neighbors watch the news. It still took us nearly an hour to vote. But, we did our part.

Considering how long it took us to vote this morning, and considering that relatively speaking the line was short, I realize that people I saw yesterday waited in line to vote for HOURS. 

I commented to Steve that the joke is going to be on us. Come next Tuesday, because everyone has been voting early, they are going to be listening to the grass grow in the polling places. Also, for early voting, they offer one polling place for 10 precincts, so over ten thousand of us have converged on one building, whereas on election day, everything will again be divided.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Voting, or not

On the way to vote today, the first thing I saw when I neared the polling center was this.

Then I saw this...

and this...

and this.

The line continued for a block beyond the boundary of this picture. So, I turned around and went home. I hope to get the chance to vote later this week. I hope.

I admire these folks. They are waiting in line no less than an hour for their turn to vote. It is amazing what is happening this year.

I used to be friends with a girl with whom I went around and around about voting. She insisted that it didn't matter whether or not we voted. I passionately argued that it did. It wasn't until I witnessed the scores of black Americans lined up at the polls for early voting that the penny dropped. I'd never noticed many blacks voting. Then I wondered how, before this year, I ever thought my vote mattered.

Prior to this year, my only presidential choice has been old white guy, or the other old white guy. That's it. Old white guys. Rich old white guys. What does a wealthy old white guy know about being a poor white girl? Nothing. They don't know the first thing about being discriminated against.

I grew up listenting to my father pontificate about "reverse discrimination". As a professional who formerly worked in an EO office, I know for a fact that a reverse discrimination claim is the excuse that nearly all inept and useless white men use for their lack of professional success. I had a front-row seat to the workings of EEO/AA, and the fact is, the number one choice of hiring managers (remembering that over 90% of hiring managers are white male), is a white male. The ONLY way that a white male won't be hired is if he is a COMPLETE loser (partial losers are acceptable). 

Anyway, this is the first time in my life, that I have a chance to be represented in our highest governmental position. I don't know how to describe my feelings about this, but I am excited. I consider Senator Obama's book "The Audacity of Hope". That is how I feel - brave, brave enough to believe in a better America.

Yes, if it comes down to it, I will wait in a line for over an hour. I have to. Not just for the presidential election, but for all of the others. The religious crazies are at it again - trying to keep the absurdity of marriage to themselves. Share the stupidity people! Seriously! No on 2!

Then, there's the piddly county stuff. The members of the Orange County Commission are  devoid of ethics, and don't have the sense to say NO to kickbacks. So, there's a measure on the ballot, that (if it passes), will make it illegal for them to accept gifts. God, deliver me from these jackasses.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I'm preparing the guest room to be painted. I've been laboring over this project for over a month;  dragging my feet because I don't want to go it alone. Steve will help rip out the baseboard, and a couple of other things, but I'm essentially flying solo. Steve flipped the switch on the electricity in this room, so I can't even listen to the radio. Very boring.

I finally scraped the popcorn off the ceiling last week. I spent this morning sanding the rough spots. Even though I wear a respirator, the powder from sanding is so fine that I inhale some of it anyway. I've been coughing uncontrollably all day. I'll be like this for about two days. There are still a few spots on the ceiling to refine, but it is 90% ready.

After I wrap things up with the ceiling, I'll be able to wipe the walls and prime, then paint. I'm painting the walls white. 

Finishing this room is important to me because two other rooms in the house depend on its completion. Once the new carpet is put down, we're moving the bed that's in the front room to this room. Then, we're emptying the breakfront into under bed storage, and putting those things under the bed in this room. After that, we're pitching the breakfront and putting up three kitty condos in the space currently occupied by the breakfront. Finally, I'm getting a new chair for the front room and that space will return to being used as an office.

Hoorah! I get my office back!

At the end of it all, what day would be complete without a little laundry?

And, that's my Monday!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Favorite Duck!

The Black-bellied Whistling-duck is my all-time favorite duck! I discovered them about three years ago when a pair first visited our humble pond enroute to warmer digs. We already put out duck food each morning, so after spying them, we put out a little extra. Every winter since, we have been rewarded with a few days of their lovely company. This year, we were surprised by an entire flock of these social, funny, beautiful birds. This is an amazing treat!

However, I am conflicted about putting out food for the birds:

On one hand, I wonder if am I misguided in offering an artifical habitat on which the birds cannot perpetually rely? I have no idea how much longer we'll be living here, and I doubt that the next owners will have any interest in helping to support wildlife. I even worry that my butterfly garden is irresponsible.

On the other hand, I figure that I am filling a void created by incessant habitat destruction. Some animal populations are showing promise with increasing numbers. Scientists are pointing to backyard garden enthusiasts as helping to buoy threatened species.

I have no answer. For sure, my neighbors never pass on an opportunity to grumble to me about encouraging wildlife. I want to be a good neighbor, but I love seeing wildlife in my own backyard more.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Steven & I visited the Retirement Home for Horses this morning. I've been anxious to visit ever since I saw it featured on Jack Hanna last year. It is only up in Alachua - a little north of Gainesville, but it always takes me a while to get around to things.

The property is 200+ acres dedicated to providing a peaceful place for horses to live out the remainder of their lives. There are retired service horses, blind horses, race horses, a donkey...they're all gentle and loving. Walking the property and feeding carrots to the residents was such a nice way to spend the morning. 

After we left the Retirement Home for Horses, we headed over to the Florida Museum of Natural History. We specifically wanted to visit their butterfly greenhouse. I've only visited two other butterfly greenhouses; one at Lukas' Nursery and another in Key West. This one falls a pitifully distant third. It was kind of a waste, but the body of the museum is profoundly interesting. I can't wait to return, and really sink my teeth into the exhibits. I always loved studying the natural history of Florida in school.

Friday, October 24, 2008

New Member of the Planet

A beautiful orange-barred sulphur emerged this morning. 

I've got a to-do list that's as long as my arm, so it's only natural that I would choose to ignore everything in favor of working in the butterfly garden.